The cost estimate
1. The costs of conducting research related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation and the dissemination of research results are covered within the framework of the financial resources allocated to the basic unit for research activities in accordance with the regulations in force at the university.
2. The doctoral candidate, in consultation with the supervisor, prepares a cost estimate for the implementation of research related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation and submits it to the head of the basic organizational unit of the university, appropriate for the discipline within which the doctoral student is being educated. The head of the basic organizational unit makes a decision within the framework of the resources referred to in par. 1.
3. The cost estimate referred to in par. 1 is prepared for a period of one calendar year. The doctoral candidate submits the cost estimate no later than 16 January of the given year.
4. After the decision referred to in par. 2 is issued by the head of the basic organizational unit, the cost estimate is forwarded to the Office for Degrees.
5. After the financial resources referred to in par. 2, the doctoral student may apply to the head of the basic organizational unit for additional funds to implement the individual research plan. The application is reviewed by the supervisor.
6. The costs of conducting research related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation may be covered by other financial resources granted to the university for the implementation of research and at the supervisor's disposal (e.g. a grant). In such a case, the supervisor shall provide the director of the doctoral school with information on the financial resources at the supervisor's disposal intended for the implementation of research related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation planned for a given calendar year.
Reporting purchase plans included in the cost estimates to the Proceedings Plan.
All planned purchases (i.e. cost estimates) should be reported to the department's secretariat, which prepares collective purchase plans for the Public Procurement Department. The doctoral school is not the administrator of the funds, so it does not report the doctoral students' purchase plans. The deadline for submitting plans to the DZP is January 26 (the deadlines for individual departments may be earlier).