Pursuant to the ordinance No. 25/2012/2013 of the UKW Rector of 27 September 2013, doctoral students of the University of Kazimierz Wielki are obliged to submit a copy or copy of each scientific publication of which they are the authors or co-authors to the Scientific Information Section of the UKW Library.
Reporting scientific achievements to the UKW Library
All bibliographic descriptions in the Database of Scientific Achievements of UKW Employees (Expertus) are created on the basis of original or copies provided by the authors of the publications.
Publications should be submitted to the Scientific Information Section of the UKW Library:
- in printed form - room 2.5, 1st floor, at 8.30-15.00
- or by e-mail to the following address:
The materials provided must include:
- For articles:
- article with information about the journal (title, year of publication, number, ISSN) or active DOI identifier / link to the full text, - information about the amount of the fee paid for the publication and the source of its financing.
- For book chapters:
- the first and last page of the chapter,
- the cover, title and editorial page and table of contents.
- For books and monographs:
- original publication for the Library's collection,
- if not published by UKW - information on the amount of the fee paid for the publication and the source of its financing.
- For other forms of publication:
- data allowing the identification of the document.